March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday. I was tired this morning. My coffee stop next door was closed. We went to church. I did not shower and I wore jeans and we were late. But the website had made this church sound very “seeker friendly” which I knew meant that I could get away with all of these things. I like the idea of a church that will accept a very unkempt me. The service was really interesting. The whole thing was a drama presentation of the Last Supper, ending in the resurrection. It felt a bit like “Jesus Christ Super Star”; I liked it but it was certainly an untraditional Easter. I wish I would have gotten myself to a sunrise service, I had heard of one. Public transportation in an unfamiliar place is a bit of a stretch at those sort of hours in the morning and I slept in instead.
We drove to Ocean Beach. I walked down to the ocean alone and put my feet in the water. It was freezing cold and I watched people and their dogs and I looked at stones and thought about how long it takes the waves to make them smooth. I picked up a very rough one to remind me that these rough stones will not always be so rough. I looked out at the ocean and I thanked God for the day and for raising his Son from death and I asked for answers about my life. And even though I did not get any answers I felt peace and maybe that is all I can hope for right now.
We walked up a big hill and had lunch at Cliff House. We drove into Golden Gate Park and walked through the Japanese tea garden and the botanical gardens and I wanted to lay in grass and sleep but we did not. I drove Tim’s car down Lombard Street.
Tonite we went out for Mediterranean food and to see Bon Iver play at the Independent. It was a wonderful meal and a wonderful show.
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